About The Loom Lady

Hello There!

Glad you stopped by for a visit. Let me tell you a little bit about myself…

My name is Laurie but my friends call me The Loom Lady. I acquired the nickname because I always have some sort of craft project going on, mostly on the newer knitting looms that have become available.

My grandmother taught me to crochet at the age of five, knit at the age of eight, quilt at the age of eleven, and macramé at the age of twelve. I am self-taught in rug weaving and using the knitting looms; candle making; soap making; basket weaving and grape vine weaving. I also dabble in paper crafts. My all time favorite craft will involve using recycled objects that normally get thrown in the trash (i.e. plastic grocery bags, aluminum cans, etc.).

I am the mother of seven children; proud grandmother of one (with one on the way!). I am currently engaged to a most wonderful man (wedding is in May of 2015!). And yes we are crafting the wedding ourselves, with help from close family and friends.

When I am not crafting (which isn’t often) I am involved in genealogy. My current long term project is a family quilt. I hope to one day pass it on to one of my children, with the hopes that they will add to it.

There is a lot more that is me, but this is about all the time I have at the moment. I will update this page as often as possible.

Come back and visit soon!

Laurie (The Loom Lady)

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